
Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Whipping Post

We were late! Omg, Rob, where the heck ARE you? We have an appointment with your probation officer in like 20 minutes and it's a 35 minute drive! Ahhhh!!! Finally, the young man in question arrives. He slides into the parking lot where I'm waiting and dips quickly into my car. So . . . Wtf? What the hell took you so long? (I'm such a kind loving mother, lol). Robbie, shaking his long amazing hair, snaps back with "you're DAMN Gator!" Oh, that explains it.

My Gator is my "right hand man" up here on the compound. Skip bought that little guy for me about 12 or so years ago. I use it to feed horses. I use it to clean manure out of the paddocks and take it up to my gardens. I use it to muck stalls. It is an amazing piece of equipment. However, Rob must feel the same. Evidently he went out bajaing around the property in the mud and messed it up good. Some of the bolts that hold the engine in are missing and . . . well . . . it's kind of dangerous to drive. Plus there is mud galore all over the thing. Skip came undone about it (I ducked) and I was given strict instructions to NOT touch it until he could come back home and take it to the shop. No problem. I'm no stranger to a wheelbarrow. However, I guess Rob was instructed to have it pressure washed before his father returned home this weekend. Rob, being the procrastinator extroidinaire, waited until the day his father was returning to complete said task.

Hence, the reason that Rob is late for our appointment. After a bit more pressing I was informed that he was washing MY Gator and the mud and water got on his clothes and in his hair. "For your information," I was informed, "I'm not going to be able to finish washing it before Dad gets home!" Hmm, oooookaaaaay, and how is that on me?

Well all this reminds me of how much my cute, shaggy son is like his father. I remember well one home video. I was replaying it for my mom and she burst out laughing saying, "Oh Jody, that right there is SO your marriage!" I was offended at first then I started to think about it and she was absolutely right.

I'm behind the camera (good thing because I'm pretty sure I had that short hideous haircut that I thought was amazing at the time) and Skip was on the floor with one of the children for their birthday. Our VCR was paused from whatever was playing (no DVD's back then) and the child - a baby - was opening their gift (or attempting to). Suddenly, without warning, the VCR pause disengaged and the TV started blaring pretty loud. Skip looked at me with the most accusatory look and then back at the TV and then back at me like, "what the heck did you do that for? Aren't you going to turn it off?" It's hysterical! He's sitting in the same room as I. He's closer to the TV than I. Somehow this inconvenience was all my fault!!! Lol.

I'm sure, at the time, I probably barked something at him for the "look." Over the years I've noticed that I've just tried to smooth things out when they happen so that he doesn't get upset. It's like a rough rock in the stream that just gets smoothed out over years of being tossed about. I barely notice when I'm in the hot seat except when I'm extremely tired or stressed about something - which hardly happens anymore because my life is so perfect (don't spit your coffee back into your mug laughing at that one!)

However, I do have to laugh - once again - at the similiarity between father and son. Rob has a lot of qualities that are so not like his dad (like being late to EVERYTHING - ahem, that would be more Mom) but he is the closest thing we have to a carbon copy of Mr. Alfred P. Weltz.

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