

I'm Jody. 
  I am a mom and a wife. My children are the light of my life and my husband is my best friend. I have always been a free spirit and tend to dance to my own music that nobody around me can hear. I tend to be upbeat and positive and strive to shy away from negativity. 

Yoga, running, and riding my beautiful horses are some of the ways that I express myself and discover who I really am. I am a vegetarian because my body really does better without meat and, honestly, it breaks my heart that an animal would have to give its life for me. I am fascinated with the magic of our feet (I'm a footzonologist) and the healing powers of plants (oils and herbs). 

I am on a quest to learn as much as I can and be able to help others who are open to a less expensive and healthier way of taking charge of their health.