
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Meditation and Frogs

My new time and space to meditate is outside early in the morning as the sun is just beginning to make a small amount of light.  I like to light my incense, white candle and face east while holding the chosen stone(s) of the day.  It's a gorgeous start to my day.

Friday while I was doing just that, I was completely checked out and in my zone.  Finally the noise became more persistent and I snapped out of my trance and became aware that my little Pierre (he's a  Pomeranian/Yorkshire terrier mix - super cute) was making the most awful noise.  I'm all, "wtf?" and jumped up quickly (breaking my beloved lemurian crystal in half).  I thought he had a frog in his mouth (because they have been terrorizing this poor frog that has been hanging out in my zen garden for a couple weeks now) so I went over and turned him over only to realize that he was having some sort of a seizure. 

I scooped my little precious pup up and went in the house and put him on his poof thinking that he was going to die any minute.  I called out to my partner who also came and began stroking him and saying calm things.  My partner then asked if there was chance he could have got bitten by a rattler or scorpion.  I grabbed my cell phone and ran outside with the flashlight app on to investigate.  There was only a very scared looking frog there. 

He grabbed his iPad and began research.  He informed me that frogs were dangerous to dogs and could be fatal to little dogs.  We called emergency and off little Pierre went.  $250 later, he was home and showing signs of a full recovery.  As for the frog?  Well he is actually a Colorado River Toad (my bad) and emits a very toxic substance from the bumps on his back when provoked.  Since Pierre had picked him up with his mouth to carry him to a convenient spot to torture the creature, I'm guessing the toad considered this as being provoked. 

When I went back outside to collect the victim/perpetrator to re-home him (or her) in the wash behind our home, he/she was gone.  MIA.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Desert Girl

I haven't posted in forever.  My life took a serious bad dip and I was too busy hosting my pity party to really take care of anything.

We sold our home in California and moved to Arizona.  I haven't been here long and I resisted the move as much as I could.  My partner was kind and allowed the two of us to explore a lot of options of where we could live and he could still work for the next 4-5 years or whatever.  When the time came that there was no longer time, we ended up here.  It's growing on me and I'm beginning to make friends.

One area that I'm having to start over in, amongst many, is finding a spot to teach yoga and finding students that are willing to give a person my age a shot.  How do you convey to people that you ARE a good yoga teacher and that my classes ARE enjoyable?  You have to show them.  So, I popped into the local studio in town, took a few classes and struck up a convo with the owner.  Bless her heart, she is letting me sub classes here and there and it's just going to take some time.

I'm learning humility and patience.  I'm learning to slow down and enjoy everything.  I'm learning that taking care of myself is the most important job I have.  I'm learning that giving and giving and giving was one of the most destructive things I could ever have done to myself.

I'm happy here.  I'm really enjoying the alone time while my partner finishes up the year working in California.  I'm seriously enjoying our new life together without our kids.  I love those babies of mine more than anything but letting go and allowing them to live their lives without my micro management has been the best medicine for all of us.

So, I'm off to go take another yoga class and create some yogi friendships.