
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Peace Out

It's not anyone's place to judge me because of the lingo I choose or choose not to use. I am an 18 year old at heart. I hang out with nothing but teenagers, for the most part, and I find their language somewhat fascinating. They come up with the most unique phrases. Anyway, that's not really what this post is about. It's actually more on the serious side (dang it!).

I have been reflecting on several friends that I've been very close to that have peaced out in one way or another. There's my best friend that died in a car accident in 2001. That ripped my heart out. It was almost two years before I was able to function after that loss and tragedy. I love her more than anything and so enjoy her visits in my dreams.

Another dear friend couldn't live here in the Bay Area because of her extreme allergies. She was pretty much told that if she continued to stay here she wouldn't likely survive. Fortunately, her husband has a job that he can pretty much live anywhere and do. They moved to Arizona. Of course, there was talk of our family moving there about 1-1/2 years ago but the whole economy thing didn't help that out and our ranch never sold and so here we still are and there they still are. I miss her a lot.

My bestest bestie freaking EVER just upped and peaced out on me about a week ago. Her daughter needed a change of scenery so they moved to Utah (really??? Utah???). Fortunately, this is a temporary sitch (so I'm told) and I'm really hoping she'll be back in June as promised. I really can't figure out how to do my crazy life without her.

Another dear friend of mine just made the "peace out" club as well. I guess our friendship wasn't a good idea or something. Whatever.

Then there's Mr. Weltz. Yeah, he's peaced out in L.A. working for yet another year. It sucks. I didn't think I could do my life without him here and yet I've managed (well, sort of I guess) quite well.

So it just so happens (and I so don't believe in coincidences if I haven't made that clear before) that I read somewhere yesterday that people and things come and go from our life. We are relieved of these things to make room for something else (and please, God, don't make it another stinking challenge!).

This morning while I was doing my meditation practice, that very thought popped into my nice clear (haha, I wish) brain. THEN, I picked my Angel Card for the day and I'm sure you'll NEVER guess what my thought was. Yep, "All is well. Everything's happening exactly as it's supposed to. Sometimes what appears to be a problem is actually an answered prayer in disguise . . . change is for the better.

I can sit with that today. I'm still not the happiest Princess Sunshine that I usually am. I want my peeps back so dang bad! However, I'm eager and excited for what is on the horizon and pray and hope and have faith that today will be an absolutely fabulous day full of exciting surprises for this princess.

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