
Friday, November 12, 2010

Ouch! and I Really Mean OUCH!!

Yesterday I went on a trail ride with one of my besties. I rode Cowboy (my sister's horse) and she rode my beloved Black Horse. We always joke around and say that if Cowboy was a person, he'd definitely be a "stoner." He has that kind of look and personality. Kind of funny.

Anyway, we (I) decided that we should go out on the Manzanita trail. It's a pretty steep decline and then (obviously) an intense incline after you pass through this gorgeous area down in the bottom of the canyon. It's actually one of my favorite rides (although Brandilyn and Tammie will tell you different after another experience we had several years ago).

While we were coming up the incline Cowboy was working pretty hard. He slipped on a large smooth rock and started going down. It's one of those moments where everything seems to be going in slow mo. Obviously, it wasn't going slow enough because I wasn't able to pull my right foot out from under him quick enough. That 2000 pound animal just came right down on my foot and I have to tell you it hurt like a booger!

After Cowboy got up, Miranda quickly dismounted from her horse and was like, "Jody are you okay? What do you want me to do?" I was still trying to adjust to the fact that there was massive pain shooting out from that foot of mine. All I could whisper at that point was, "Get my horse. I can't walk out of here!" She complied.

Like my momma always told me, "You gotta get right back up there on that horse and ride!" So I did. By the time I got home (after some galloping and (ouch) trotting) my boot was pretty tight and I couldn't get it off fast enough. My foot was swelling up and I decided that the ER would be a pretty responsbile place to head to. They x-rayed my foot and it's NOT BROKEN! So so happy.

However, today I'm not walking very well. It's insanely painful so Michelle is coming up to babysit me which I'm pretty excited about. It's good to be forced to stay down for a day. I'm always on the go and I'm looking forward to today (do you think the kids can stay in bed all day and leave me to this peaceful quiet I'm enjoying right now?).

So . . . a little side note. I don't drink milk - haven't in over 34 years. I'm not a big fan of dairy products - except an occasional bit of cheese here and there. I'm 52 years old and obviously have NO osteoporosis or my foot would have crushed like an old dead twig. Right? Well, I just wanted to throw that out there to all the dairy nazis. "So put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!" (another quote from my mommy).

1 comment:

brandilyn said...

ouch ouch ouch. i'm so sorry you got hurt and i'm so jealous michelle's coming to play with you.