
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Invitation

Okay, this is an oldie but a goodie . . . back about 10,000,000 years ago when Danielle (now 24) was in kindergarten, she stood up for sharing time and announced to the class that "my family is going to Hawaii for spring break and my parents said that I can bring ten friends. I pick you, and you and you and, oh yeah, you" etc. Later that evening the phone calls started coming in from parents questioning the invitation. Um, yeah, imagine my embarassment . . .

Flash forward to present day and we find that some things just don't change. So last night I was zoning Danielle's feet in my (may I say GORGEOUS?) office when she said to me, "I've been telling all of my friends about this. I have been giving out your flyers for the special (that would be a massage from Nancy and a zone from me for the low price of $60 - steal of the century!) and they are so excited to take advantage.

The calls have been coming in. This time, however, embarassment is replaced by gratitude. Good job, Danielle, on fixing your bad. Thank you.

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