
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dear Kids:

Your father and I have left for a two week cruise to Tahiti. Sorry we forgot to tell you we were going but I'm sure you'll figure things out. Our cell phones will be turned off and we hear there is no internet available on the ship we are taking.

There is money stashed in various places throughout the house for you to use - oh, wait . . . you already found and helped yourselves to that. Hm, well, I'm sure you'll manage.

There should be enough food in the refrigerator and pantry for you to survive on. However, if your friends all come up and help themselves you'll have to go out and find some on your own. Sorry.

Please make sure the twins get to school and home. On second thought, never mind. They don't care about school so why should I? While you're at it, don't worry about going to school yourselves. School sucks anyway.

If there is an emergency call somebody - anybody.

We are excited about our adventure and will see you when we return. Please have the house put back together as to relieve any potential stress you might put on us and make sure you all take a vow to NEVER tell us what happened while we were away.

Love, Mom


Josh, Shauna, Allison, Brynlee said...

Ahhh Jode, I love you! Sounds like you are enjoying motherhood today. Is this what i have to look forward to? I want a break today and that is just because I get asked a why a million times a day and told no when I'm not being asked why and exhausted. You still going to take my teenagers for me? :)

brandilyn said...


Robyn Pelamati said...


Lisa said...

can I come too?