
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just What I Need

Boy was I hopping mad when I was informed that one of my children (who shall remain nameless) was suspended from school for the balance of the week (happened on Tuesday). I mean, really?????
So here I was grounded from my life out there for three days (five if you count the weekend but that was already a done deal). Well, I was not going to be the only miserable individual. Nope, not me! I have made a list and checked it twice and this child has worked their little buns off. My kitchen has been scrubbed from top to bottom. All the drawers and cupboards are sparkly clean. The Christmas tree got taken down and put away. The wood got restacked. The garage got swept out.
Me? Well, yeah. I've got to spend three days at home (which is an ongoing complaint of mine that I don't get to spend enough time at home) and actually got to take a little snooze a couple of those days. I got my little office/spare bedroom all set up with my stuff from my office and made a nice vegan dinner for the fam each night (well, Skip wasn't that excited about the vegan part. I'm sure he was expecting some meat and potato fare. Ooops, sorry).
As it turns out, having a kid suspended from school can be a beautiful thing. Depends on who you are and how you look at it! Me? Well it turned out to be just what I needed! Thank you, child of mine (sucks to be you!).


brandilyn said...

so so so happy i never got suspended

Robyn Pelamati said...

Hmmmm....I wonder who that child could be..... Be strong Jody...changes are coming! I promise. Trust me on this!