
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back to School!

I must say that THIS year above all other years EVER is the year that I am so flipping glad that school is now back in session. This summer has been . . . well, in a word, HELL. I know, I know, the twins are the only ones back in school and they are the only ones that haven't given me any grief. However, just having that routine back, just having two less people in the house to interact with is a real relief.

Funny story yesterday, though. I took Court to school and then went to my yoga class (Jacob was home with the rest of the kids). As I was driving home, I was thinking to myself about how nice this is that I can now have some time to myself. I was smiling at the fact that the only ones left home are the people that I don't have to be so "hands-on" responsible for. As I was coming up the driveway it almost startled me as Jacob came running out of the shop and towards the car yelling, "Yay! Mom's home!" For whatever reason, I had completely forgotten that I have Jacob glued to my side for two more days. Yikes! What the heck!?!?

Robbie and Brian are out job hunting (well, actually, just Robbie really is). I'll be so dang glad when those boys of mine have something to do during the day other than complain that I don't give them enough money or privileges. Demariea (who is also living with us) and Megan (Brian's girlfriend who is also living with us) are also looking for work. I must say that Meg and Rob get the prize for being the most proactive about finding work.

Okay, well back to the twins. Courtney is just thrilled to be back at school with all her friends. She seems to like her new schedule. Jacob starts back tomorrow and has told me like six different times this evening that I need to remember to wake him up tomorrow for school. Um, yeah Jacob, I think I'm getting it. Duh!!!

I've felt bad that we didn't have a summer vacation this year. Money and such just said "NO!" We were terribly busy getting the house ready for the market (check) and trying to get rid of as much stuff as possible with Craigslist and ebay. Those things coupled with teenagers raging out of control have kept us WAY busy.

So let's hear it for a wonderful year at school this year!

1 comment:

brandilyn said...

i'm excited for you to get a break!! you need less drama (read: less teenagers) in your life!