
Friday, March 9, 2012

Oddball's Car

Hahaha! I was just looking at my twitter feed on the right and saw where I was looking for something to kill my tooth pain yesterday in my car and all I could find was duct tape, a hoof pick and some cayenne pepper. It's funny because at that moment I remember being so dang frustrated with myself and thinking, "Come on, Jody, really? Is this the best you can do? What ever happened to being prepared?"

Here it is. The truth of the matter. Since studying with Katri to learn the zoning technique and Dr. Christopher to get my herbalist certificate, I have really come to a point where I just don't do medicine. I avoid it to the absolute best of my ability. Oh, there have been a couple of emergencies where I've grabbed some Benedryl or maybe something else but, for the most part, I'm pretty much sticking to zoning, herbs and essential oils.

So the duct tape - white duct tape - is to tape the fancy dancy little doo dads in my horse's tail when we are doing performances at rodeos. I got so sick of nobody being able to locate duct tape that I bought my own and just keep it with me. The hoof pick? That should be pretty self-explanatory.

It's funny how many people laughed at me because I carry cayenne pepper with me. I actually have a bottle in my car AND in my tack box in my trailer AND in my tack box at the barn where I ride the most gorgeous Black Horse EVER (okay, I won't start going on about my amazing baby right now). Cayenne pepper an amazing herb. When you've got bleeding happening that is not stopping, just dump some of that wonder dust right on there and the bleeding will stop pretty quick. Bloody nose? (and, yes, my boys Brian and Jacob are both notorious nose bleeders) I put a heaping teaspoon of this stuff in a glass of room temp water and have them drink it right down. They count to 10 and . . . . waaaalaaa! Nose bleed stopped. So, yes, cayenne is my #1 item in the first aid kit.

Back to my dilema. I found a random bottle of Motrin, of all things, that someone had scribbled on a bottle and hidden (probably from me) down in the jockey box of my car. Another time I would have cursed them for taking such things but right now, when nobody was looking, I took not one but TWO of those little magical pills. Fifteen minutes later, no tooth pain. Dang! However, I think I should probably figure out how to deal with this silly tooth once and for all the right way.

The ONE thing I wish I carried in my car that I don't is FOOD! I always get hungry but if I stored food in my car the mouses would be out all night thinking they had just wandered into a Thanksgiving Wonderland. Those little stinkers have made a mess of my car. I discovered that, also, while I was rummaging around. Little nibbled up pieces of paper. Darn them!

The long and short of it is this. I'm odd. I carry odd things around with me. My kids are disobedient and right now, I'm grateful for their rogue behavior because it saved my bacon (yuck, bacon) yesterday. The end.

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