
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Not Just for Breakfast Anymore . . .

This morning I got up (like every day) and went about my usual routine of feeding cats and letting dogs out (like every day). I couldn't find Simba - the pit bull - but I didn't fuss too much about it. He was probably in Robbie's room with him. I went out and fed my horses and came back in (like every day).

I then went into Robbie's room to let Simba out. He wasn't there. Only Dani's little dog was with them. I asked him if he knew where Simba was and he said to check with Brian. I reminded him that Brian doesn't live here and Dani said, "He came home last night. He's probably down in the basement with him." Okay. Robbie grumbled something about bugging him while he's trying to sleep. Whatever.

Off to the basement went I. Yep, there was Brian sleeping but NO Simba. Now I was pretty upset. We've lost dogs to the coyotes out here in the hills and other things. I couldn't imagine Simba falling victim to a coyote but, nonetheless, I was upset that I couldn't find him. I went to my meditation space and settled in for my morning ritual of meditation and prayer. I said a prayer asking for comfort about my dog. I had the feeling all was well but when it comes to God . . . well, that could mean a multitude of things and my experience is that the odds are not usually in my favor.

After waking up Jacob for school and heading out to the kitchen to begin preparing breakfast and kids' lunches I opened up the pantry to retrieve something important. My heart almost stopped as I was greeted with a big brown MONSTER! Holy crap! Simba had been locked in the pantry all night and he was pretty happy that I happened along. After recovering from my near heart attack, I was pretty happy I happened along too.

However . . . .my pantry smells like DOG!! Not just any dog. It smells like a dog that has been rolling in horse poo and dead things. Gross!!

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