
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Rock Star!

I've never been to a karaoke place before. I've never done karaoke before. So when our drill team's activity for this month was karaoke, I truly didn't know what to expect.

Every month one member of our team hosts a social. We bring our husbands or significant other and have a blast. I was up in Montana during January's event which was boche ball. Have no clue what that's all about but it sounded like everyone had a LOT of fun. Last month we raced those little mini cars. I sucked beyond the worst suckage EVER. It was way fun. We then went out to dinner afterward and I was the odd duck out. Everyone had a date but me. No biggie. My HUGE personality made up for it just fine. Lol. So . . . Debbie hosted this month's event which was karaoke.

We got there and I was pretty sure that I would be an observer because I just don't drink and drinking seemed to be the pre requisite for getting up and making a complete fool of oneself. That is . . . unless your name is Princess Sunshine, I guess. First off, Danielle accompanied me so I had a date. Turns out several of the women didn't bring dates (I guess they didn't want to be off the hook in front of their men). Danielle was a GREAT sport. We were supposed to all bring food and it also turns out that Danielle and I were the only ones that brought food. When one specific person went to "comment" about my food (vegan, duh) they were shut down pretty quick because Danielle and I were the ONLY ones that brought food so . . . shut up and be grateful (lol).

The music started and everyone was just kind of sitting there (well, they were playing flipping ABBA and it was nauseating, in my opinion). Finally I said, "Let me see what else there is" and I quickly discovered that there was some pretty bitchin songs on tap. After the beat got in my head I grabbed that microphone and didn't let go! I was singing. I was dancing. I was conversing throught the mike with everyone there. After a bit a person or two would get up and kind of try to join in but they would quickly sit down. After quite a few drinks two of the other women became regulars up in front with me.

At one point I overheard someone say to someone else, "No dude. Jody doesn't drink. She's totally sober!" OMG! That's way funny!! Then later one of the women said to me, "Jode, you probably should keep a microphone with you all the time. You seem pretty comfortable with that in your hand." Yeah, I think they may be right.

So it just goes to show you . . . You don't have to be drunk to have a good time or to make a complete ass of yourself - especially if you're ME! We ended the evening by a few of us hitting the bar next door. I sat up there and ordered myself a NON alcoholic beer and Danielle had an ice water. How cool are we, right?

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