
Friday, September 19, 2008

Time Marches On

The reason I said this is because I thought of that song today when I was talking to Brandilyn on the phone. We were talking for a few minutes while she was painting her new store. Someone walked into the store and she said "Gotta go, Mom." It was one of the first times that has ever happened to me. She has ALWAYS had time for me and now she's busy. Unfortuantely, I'm still in that whirlwind life with the kids here at home so I guess I'm gettin" what I'm givin".

I hope that she can look back on her childhood and have fond memories of SOME time we spent together. I miss her so much and wish time could stand still or even reverse a little so that I can grab some of those days when she was so young and I was her hero.

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