
Friday, April 15, 2011

Sucky See Girl

Next to Disneyland, See's has always been - to me, at least - the happiest place on earth. I mean, you walk in there with a hankerin and you walk out savoring heaven. Right? Well, that was my expectation yesterday . . .

I've been doing this diet and since the crash on Tuesday I've just not been on board. Still haven't gotten my medicine so I've just been kind of doing it. Well, actually I've been doing it pretty much most of the day and then fall apart somewhat in the evenings. Not ideal but it'll have to do for now until my medicine arrives and this vacation is pretty much written in the Jodelina History Book.

Okay, so us girls are out shopping because that's what we do. Brandilyn, Meg, Dani, Courtney and I. We were having a fabulous girl's day out while the guys (minus Robbie who stayed at the condo to pout) were out golfing. We happened upon See's Candy and Brandilyn said that she had an unquenchable urge to eat some English Toffee. In those doors we went. We were all savoring the delicious aroma of chocolate that assaults you the moment you walk into those stores and examining all of our options. I told all my girls that I would treat them to a treat.

We all walked up to the glass case in the front of the store and were all excitedly pointing out which pieces of candy we intended to indulge in. There was another customer up in the front of the store with the employee by the cash register and we barely noticed her since we were so preoccupied with ogling at all the tempestuous treats. Abruptly, the store employee walked over to us from behind the counter and said, "Would you please get behind the sign over there and wait so that my "customer" can look at the candy?"

Woah! Wait, what did she just say to us? Like did she really just indicate that we weren't customers? I turned to the girls and said, "I don't know about you guys, but I find that insanely offensive. I'm not thinking I need to spend my money here and I certainly don't think I need See's Candy right now." The girls agreed and we promptly walked out of the store.

As for me now? Yeah, I'm still craving that piece (or two or three) of chocolate that I didn't score on yesterday. However, I'm hoping we made a point and my bum is happy not to have to carry the extra load for the next 10 years. So I guess that would be considered a win/win.

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