
Sunday, April 26, 2009

What's Good

Okay, I know, two posts in one day. I can't pass this one up because it came to me while I was out hiking this morning.

Robbie, my 15 year old, greets his friends with, "What's good?" instead of "Hey, what's happening?" or "How you doing?". I like it. It invites one to ponder on something positive in their life and spew forth something that's, well, good!

As I often do, I pick up lingo from my children here and there. For the first time, I decided to use his approach when I interacted with someone. I stopped at the strawberry stand on my way home yesterday. There is an asian family that owns the business and their english is a little challenged but they do as well as they can. I walked up to the stand and said, "What's good?" The man smiled at me and handed me one of the biggest, juiciest strawberries I have every experienced. It was just pure decadence.

I had stopped to buy a 6 basket-1/2 flat and ended up buying a 12 basket-full flat. They are just that good!

So there you have it. Using "what's good" opens the door for us to experience the good in everyone we greet. Not a bad way to be.

Thanks Rob! I like it!

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