
Monday, February 14, 2011

Unplanned Craziness

This morning I woke Jacob up for school at 6:00 a.m. He got dressed, made his bed, ate breakfast while I made his lunch, brushed his teeth and grabbed his sweater in preparation for school. Just like every other school day.

Jacob's bus arrives approximately 6:35 a.m. to pick him up for school every morning. This morning, Jacob was ready to go and so I just let him chill in the front room while I wrote my daily letter to Demariea. I really didn't give much thought to much else as I became engrossed in what I was doing. I happened to glance up at the clock and was alarmed to see that it was 7:04 a.m. (time to wake up Courtney) and Jacob's bus still hadn't arrived. I said (mostly to myself), "I wonder why your bus is so late this morning."

At that point Jacob casually said, "Oh, I don't have school today, Mom. It's a day off for me. I got the paper from school on Friday."

Are you freaking kidding me? Like you let me wake you up unnecessarily early for no good reason? You are home with me all day today when I already had my day planned? OMG!!! Any of my other kids would have given me the "what for" if I had even THOUGHT of waking them up on their day off from school. But not Jacob. Nnnnoooo!

So, yeah, there it went. There my whole day went. Jacob has been amped all day long. I've had Ava and, at one point, he had her running around so much that she came in the house and threw up (she's been sick and this made her cough like crazy). Right now he's in the shower yelling and being crazy while I'm trying to get dinner on the table. Sounds like it's going to be a looonnnnggg night! (Sigh).

Tomorrow? Oh heck yeah! He's back in school and I have my life back. Thank heavens!

1 comment:

David said...

haha! Nice one, Jake.