
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Taking Care of Business

Monday and Tuesday of this week I didn't have Ava. She's been really sick. Today she's back with me. Poor little tike, she was sitting and playing on my ipad and just fell asleep right there in the middle of her game. I'm so not used to sick children. My kids hardly ever miss school. Oh, yeah, Jacob missed a week for his chicken pox but I'm here to tell you that boy was NOT sick!!! Nope, he just had "pops" (Ava's word for the funny spots all over Jacob). Courtney has only missed one day in the last three years from school for being sick. This is quite an adjustment for me. I will say, however, that things are pretty quiet around here right now. I mean, look at me! I'm sitting here actually blogging (notice how I've not been doing that lately with my little charge).

Also, I'm pretty excited that I get to go visit Skip in LA on Friday. Robbie comes home this afternoon from there where he's been helping his dad move into his new apartment. Skip appears pretty excited about his new digs. I'm curious to go and see what all the fuss is about (maybe it's just getting to live away from the kids and I, lol).

Yesterday morning I woke up to hear that awful howling wind. I rolled over and said to myself, "go back to sleep, little princess, you will be riding your horse later and walking with your friend. You don't need to get up and run at this early hour (it was 4:30 a.m.) today." I was obedient to that little voice in my head and trusted it with all my heart. BAD IDEA!! I went out to the ranch to ride my beautiful, gorgeous black steed. My trainer arrived and declared it too windy to ride safely. Oh-oh!! I then immediately called my buddy to see if that 7-1/2 mile walk was still in the cards and she, too, informed me that the wind was miserable and she was NOT going out today. I'm screwed. Yup, no exercise for this chickadee. I was crabby bear by the time evening had rolled around.

Well, this morning was a different story. I forced myself up (in spite of that wind and nagging voice) and had a pretty sweet run on that treadmill of mine, I then had a pretty wonderful yoga practice which has prepared me to be loving a patient and kind to Ava while she's getting better from being sick. Oh, and a bonus? Yeah, my yoga teacher shouted out a pretty wonderful sounding recipe that I'm going to make tonight (well, this afternoon since I have 6:15 drill practice and need to have everyone fed and happy before I leave). If it's good, I'll be posting it on my "NaturallyJode" blog. Cross you fingers!

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