
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Green Thumb

So it goes. He buys me books, sends me to school and what do I do? Leave it all sitting on my desk ignored. Well, I finally got off my buttooski and put some of that education to work.

Nan I and recently attended a Winter Gardening Class. I learned so much that day. It took up a whole Saturday and we had classroom as well as out-in-the-field visual training. I took notes, collected paperwork, took home a large tray of seeds that I planted home (reminded me of 1st grade when you plant those seeds in the styrofoam cups and they sprout and you take them home and they . . . die). Well, I did all that I was told to do on those seeds and they . . . died. Yup, died.

I felt bad. I started to do all the things I was told and then I left town for 4 days. I planned on taking up where I left off when I got home except I didn't end up coming home for 11 days. My man discovered the seedlings and took great care of them in my absence (without even being asked to!). I came home and got caught up in getting caught up and forgot about them. So . . . I went out to the nursery this Saturday and bought some more plants.

I got some broccoli, kale, kohlrabi (don't know what to do with that yet), some Asian veggies that I can't pronounce (don't know what to do with them either), cilantro, chard and onions. I transformed my front flower bed into a flower/veggie bed. I dug and dug and dug to rid my garden of as much icky clay as I could. Skip even joined in the fun and brought up the tractor so that I could load that bad boy up. We brought in good soil and amended it and planted all of our cute little plants.

I'm pretty proud of our winter veggie garden. I even found another little spot that I'm going to put in another bed tomorrow. It's fun and I'm excited to be planting food in the spirit of what my father always says (he was raised in the Great Depression), "If you can't eat it, we aren't planting it."

1 comment:

brandilyn said...

Yay!! I'm proud of you!!