
Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Today, as I was walking to my car from a professional plaza, I walked past an attorney's office. The attorney was sitting by the window obviously on the phone with her female client. She was speaking loud enough for me to hear on the sidewalk outside. She said, "He will be served the papers at your house at 7:00 p.m. tonight." It doesn't take a genius to figure what THAT was about.

It makes me to be sad that that is what our society has come to. It is just commonplace to file for divorce when the going gets tough. Now, don't get me wrong, there are times when it is absolutely the ONLY solution (abuse or infidelity would be a couple of those times), but not because of common everyday bickering or whatever.

I am from a split home, I married a man that had previously been married and, yes, I am on my second marriage. See a pattern??? I have watched first hand from every angle possible what this does to the children involved and have made the choice long ago that I was in this relationship for the long haul. I was NOT going to destroy the childhood of these precious souls that I have been entrusted.

Okay, so now I'll step away from my soap box. I had to just get that off my chest. So, peeps, just hang in there and don't get all caught up in the drama of our day and choose to jump on that old "D" bandwagon. Brighter days are ahead and I'm sooooo looking forward to my future with that stud I call my husband!!!

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