
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cool, Clear Water

Brian hosted a hot tub party with some friends the other night. No big deal. He asked. I said "no probs" and life was good.

Yesterday we had a hurricane of a wind storm. I'm pretty sure the winds topped 80+ mph. It was pretty wild. Actually, I was hanging laundry out on the line and it was drying in 20 minutes or less. Pretty amazing. By the end of the day, when the winds were at their worst, I had hung out two comforters and they had flown off the line and almost took me out.

Today, it was as calm as could be. Calm and warm. I had 45 minutes before the next event and went outside to sit in the sun and enjoy. As I was sitting, I couldn't help but notice the pool equipment was making a very peculiar noise. I tried to pretend I couldn't hear it for awhile then decided I needed to get up and investigate.

I stood up and walked toward the pool and could NOT believe what I saw. Brian, my darling son, had neglected to cover the pool and spa when he was finished. Our entire pool was completely covered in pine needles, tumble weed and various other large weeds. Holy cow!! Furthermore, the water level was so low that the pump was sucking air. As if all of that wasn't bad enough, the key that operates the automatic cover had been left in the key slot and had blown away. Right on.

I was hoppin mad! I had no idea how to turn on the pool water. I had no idea where the flipping key was and I had no idea how I was going to begin cleaning up this ginormous mess! I went downstairs and knocked on Brian's door and proceeded to say, "Some dip wad left the damn pool cover off and now it's full of weeds and the water level is low and I don't know how to turn it on and the key is gone!" He looked at me and said, "Sorry. That was me. I'll fix it." Right.

He went back into his cave and thought that was that. NOT!! We have a situation here, people! I searched and searched and found the flipping key. I got out that thingy that scoops up crud and cleaned up a LOT of crud. I twisted this and turned that and finally found the right knobule that made the magical water start flowing into my doomed pool. Things were happening!

Well, long story long, I kind of cleaned up the excessive mess. I filled the pool with water and the key is safely back in its spot where it belongs. My boy will have the lovely task of finishing the job and making our pool the thing of beauty it was designed to be tomorrow morning. Go me!

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