
Thursday, June 23, 2011


Yesterday I came home from town after a quick appointment that I had. I gave the twins specific instructions on some chores that needed to be complete and they had their choice as to which one to work on. They chose to weed the compost area by my vegetable garden.

When I got home, I rushed up to the house, changed my clothes, grabbed my gloves and went down to help them. While we were working, I noticed four large eggs set beside one of the trailers. I knew instantly that they were peacock eggs. The peacocks are nesting (my neighbors have a LOT of peacocks) and there are a lot of hens laying on eggs around their property and neighboring properties (like ours).

When I asked the twins where they got the eggs they both pointed in a different direction and said in unison, "over there!"(you know, like the scarecrow on Wizard of Oz). It didn't take rocket science to know that one of them was fibbing. I KNEW Courtney knew where one of the hens was laying nearby (and that is EXACTLY where Jacob had pointed) and I called her on it. After a few attempts to convince me that she wasn't lying, she finally caved.

Yeah, she told Jacob (big mistake) where the nest was and Jacob decided that he needed the eggs (for whatever reason). Nice.

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