
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Doin the Beesness!

Little boxes, on the hillside, little boxes made for little bees. There's a brown one and a white one and a square one and a tall one and they're all made of wood and they all look just the same.

Lol. Yeah, so I just changed the lyrics for the song, "Little Boxes" because it just seemed a bit appropriate for my new little friends that just arrived. BEES!!

The bee guys delivered these little darlings two nights ago. They had to bring them in the middle of the night (like stealth) because that's when the bees are asleep and unaware of what the flip is going on. However, when they awoke yesterday morning I'm going to venture to say that they were NOT happy bees. Their little worlds were rocked!!

We were swimming and the bees decided that the pool was a perfect water source. Sorry to say that the kids and I really didn't agree. We spent a lot of time scooping the little guys out of the water so they wouldn't drown. Of course, Jacob had to completely flip out twice when a bee was on him and consequently he got stung . . . twice.

I'm hoping things settle down a bit today. We are promised a LOT of honey and a bit of $$ for our trouble in fostering the bees. We'll see. I can say this, though. When I go for my morning walk along the trail that goes below this area, I really feel a surge of energy as I can hear the hum coming from the boxes up above. It's a good thing and it totally makes me smile and appreciate God's creations a bit more.


brandilyn said...

oh, COOL! i would love to keep bees one day. feel free to share some of that honey!!

Karen said...

I can invision this - you are a great writer!