
Monday, October 25, 2010

Thailand - Suckers!

Everyone was doing it and we just couldn't be left out! Yeah, it's just what it looks like too.

You pay money and go into this place called the Fish Spa. For like 20 Baht (about $6) you get to sit with your feet soaking in this water loaded with these little fishies. They come and go to town sucking the dead skin off of your feet (or hands or whatever else you feel brave enough to stick into the water).

It made me feel pretty good about myself because it appeared that my feet were the most popular with the fish. Natasha, little darling 17 year old daugher of Sandy, had barely any fish snacking on her feet. Go figure. Sandy just couldn't take it and only lasted about a minute before she went outside and stuck her hand in the tank with the smaller fishes. Somehow that seemed a little more appealing.

At any rate, it was a fun experience. It felt like little vibrations on your feet. I actually enjoyed it after I got used to it.
Here's a little video of my reaction when I first put my feet in with the fish

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