
Friday, September 3, 2010

We've Been Smudged!

So just check this out, would ya??? This is a smudge stick. It's a blend of herbs but mostly desert sage all wound VERY tight in this bundle that looks like a big fat dube. You light it with a candle (because it takes frickin forever to light and the lighter about burned my finger off) and, when it's smoldering, you walk around the room and allow the smoke to just permeate the room
Why would one do this you ask? Good question. Seriously, though, it is an old Native American ritual to rid the space of negative energy.
I bought this originally with the intent of smudging the teenage boys room. 1. The room just plain stinks of teenage boys and I wanted it to smell like something, well anything, else and 2. I thought if any room in our house needed smudging it would be that room.
Well, Courtney was the only one home with me at the time and she was very excited to be included in the ritual. We danced and chanted weird stuff and had a lot of fun. I'm sure if anyone had been a fly on the wall at the time, they would have supposed that there was much much more than desert sage in this fat roll of herbs.
At any rate, our entire home has been smudged. We are now rid of all negative energy in our home and everything in our life is perfect. Everyone just smiles and is polite. The kids just dive in and do their chores without being asked. My teenagers are initiating FHE, family prayer and scripture study. Everyone is happy. How did I not know about this magical wonder before???
Right . . . are you SURE that that's only desert sage???

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