
Monday, May 10, 2010

The Funk

There's a couple things that have gone down in the past bit that have me in a "funk". I hate being this way. It's so not me and I need to shake it.
  • Yesterday while we were at church a plane crashed on the property across the road from our ranch. A couple were killed and there were diapers in the wreckage so they were searching for a baby. Never found the baby but nonetheless, it has really bothered me a lot since. I look out my window and can still see the wings and other remains from the plane.
  • Someone very close to me told me something a while ago that had me giddy with excitement and anticipation. Somehow I misunderstood the whole message and now find myself disappointed and even a bit angry. Not to mention that I just plain feel stupid, awkward and presumptuous. Not good.

I need to shake this dark cloud that seems to be hovering over me. Last night I went on like a 3-1/2 mile walk to clear my head. It didn't seem to help. So now I'm going to look to my yoga mat to do the job and then after that I'm going to head out to the garden.

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