
Monday, December 28, 2009

Out with 2009

Usually I'm a pretty upbeat person. However, December, as always has me looking in the past (a big no-no) with lots of regets:

*I spent too much money on my kids for Christmas when I absolutely swore that I woudn't do that this year

*I ate waaaay too much food over the holidays and now I feel like a cow. My clothes don't fit and, yes, I told myself I wouldn't do that this year.

*I didn't go to yoga class during the Christmas rush and now feel like crap as a result. You guessed it . . . I told myself that I wouldn't do that no matter what this year.

*I, once again, helped someone out when I put my foot down and said that there was no way in hell I was ever going to do that again, no matter what.

So there it is. A bunch of broken promises to myself. If I can't make a promise to myself and keep it, then who can I make one to? I'm really hoping that 2010 is a much better year. 2009 was tough and I really could use the break.

Happy New Year, everyone! Here's to a wonderfully, positively, fabulous 2010!!!!

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